“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no one recipe for living that suits all cases.”
— Carl Gustav Jung
Please note that all testimonials are given freely and are anonymised. The accompanying images are stock photographs or photos of my friends (kindly donated for this purpose) and are NOT actual clients past or current. The images are simply there to visually break up the text and also go some way to representing the incredible clients I have worked with over the years.
“To be offered sessions with Lori in the workplace was amazing. To meet this incredible sassy lady meant so much to me, an hour out of my crazy working life to just talk has been invaluable.
To know Lori couples kids with an amazing career, as I try to, has really helped me to understand the importance of balance and being present and talk about my challenges.
To believe that fulfilling my goals and know I deserve them is something I have struggled with, however, Lori with her realistic, pragmatic approach has empowered me to know I do!
Lori is so easy to talk to, very understanding, and knows when to probe. I have great respect for her and am so grateful for the time she has given me. Thank you so much Lori (and for the books) x”
— Professional Mentoring Client.
“It is very rare when you encounter a person who has the ability to make you feel normal at a time when nothing around you makes sense and you are feeling so despairing. And not just that, but someone who you can relate to, someone personable, caring, compassionate and wise. Lori has been such a help to me over what has been the hardest time of my life, listening, and giving me tools that I can live by and that help me to re-balance on a daily basis. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart”
— S, Psychotherapy Client.
“I was super excited to hear that we were being given some coaching through work. I was really quite giddy when I found out that it was the lovely Lori who would be coaching us! I’d been following Lori on social media for a little while and really loved her authenticity and open hearted way of connecting with people - her Facebook posts just seemed to resonate with me and I knew she was a creative kindred spirit.
When I skipped into our first session, I felt like I already knew her and we immediately chatted like friends. I felt totally at ease - there was none of that awkward 'beginning bit' so I could just dig straight in and tell her my life story, hopes and dreams. I came prepared with a notebook of things to go through and sort out - and a million ideas I wanted to move forward with.
Initially I’d thought that the timing of the sessions was a bit rubbish. It was only a couple of months before my wedding and, to be honest, my head was full to the brim with wedding planning, but, I still wanted to seize this opportunity and use the time to focus on my creative ideas and get some clarity on my goals.
As it turned out, the timing was perfect. Lori was there to help me steady my wedding head - which was something I had not anticipated! She encouraged me to give myself a break, recognise everything I was dealing with and she gave me a safe space to release some of the pressure that was building. In her gentle, non-pushy, easy-breezy way, she helped me to acknowledge my feelings and, instead of apologising for my emotions, trust myself and my decisions a bit more. Probably without realising it, she totally freshened up my head in time for the wedding.
And, on my ‘mission to take over the world’ plans, she helped me to see the value in what I already know and gave me a reassuring nudge to move forward but with a mindset which grants me space to evolve and grow into myself.
Lori is a gem of the finest quality and I’m so grateful to have had this amazing opportunity to work with her”
— J, Professional & Personal Mentoring.

"Lori may not be everyone but she was the mentor for me. Her sense of humour is a mixture of dark, light and a splash sparkly. She listens and listens and listens and then speaks and when she speaks it makes sense. Not quite a counsellor (well not like any I've seen before) as she is more proactive and present but definitely an ally for me and my particular brand of mental health. My last therapist would look out of the window when I was talking or check their watch. She once bought flapjack to a session and when I was really low she wrapped me in a blanket and made me hot chocolate before we started. She reminded me that all was not lost but also that sometimes it's okay to get lost so we have the 'gorgeous task of finding ourselves again'. My understanding is that therapists don't normally hug someone but if you ask Lori she will. I've recommended her to a few friends since and they have thanked me. This isn't counselling, this is real human space holding"
— AT, Psychotherapy & Mentoring Client.
"The amount of crap online beggers belief. There are coaches to help you meal plan, learn to speak properly, and even to wipe your own arse (probably). It seems like everyone is a bastarding coach these days. It's meaningless fodder for the lazy social media generation. Fuck the world I want to get off.
My girlfriend put me in touch with Lori and I just thought "oh another coaching nobber". It's one thing to know what your problem is but it's another to find the right person to discuss it with. Then I spoke to Lori on the phone, then on Facetime, then on email and then in her office/therapy room. She's not a coaching nobber at all. She has real qualifications and asks real questions. Apparently it's not coaching anyway and it's mentoring and thats different.
Intense Mentoring-what the hell does that even mean?
Apparently it means if I work with my crap then I will feel better about my life as a whole. I asked Lori if it would help me to better in bed. She said she had no idea but figured that may be a positive side effect for me and my girlfriend if it happened. She actually said that. Apparently that's not what coaching is about.
I wrote this testimonial as a joke. Not because Lori is a joke because she isn't. She's a great lass who does great work and put up with me and what was a fuckton of raging anxiety.
I wrote it to make my girlfriend laugh. She said I should send it to Lori and Lori asked if she could use it. I said yes. And this is what you are reading. I'm no good at testimonials but I'm pretty shitting hot at managing anxiety now"
— The (VERY FUNNY) JJ from Huddersfield. A former anxiety sufferer & fellow swearer.
“Having been to and from the doctor for several months and getting no answers I booked an appointment with Lori, I knew I wasn’t right and came to the conclusion it was all in my head. Well it turns out it wasn’t in my head it was mostly in my adrenal glands and after one session with Lori she picked up on this and referred me on to an appropriate doctor to get well. In one session Lori has managed to turn my life around. I dread to think how long I would’ve gone on getting nowhere and getting more unwell. She is not only clever, informed and perceptive but totally lovely as well”
— G, Personal Mentoring Client.
I’d been looking online for a coach of some sort months before stumbling across and following Lori.
She came across as warm, down to earth and real and I think that’s what drew me to arrange an initial call. She also came highly recommended from a trusted friend (which helped).
I struggle to find the words to truly describe the impact that Lori’s coaching/therapy has had on my life – literally every aspect of my life.
The whole process was a bit like a spring clean - she encouraged me to explore many aspects of my life and helped me to chuck the bits that were no longer serving me (all done with compassion, some humour and a good dose of Leeds grit).
She also encouraged me to do more of the things that nourish me as those things often get forgotten when we’re busy being busy. Think Marie Kondo but with cool sweaters, tats and a few f-bombs!
Our sessions were regular and often challenging; holding a mirror up to yourself and your life isn’t easy but I think it was essential in order to see what I needed to be different.
With Lori’s help (did I say she is really insightful?) I’ve made some significant changes in my life and business; I’m more satisfied with my life, I have more happy days than sad, have more acceptance of myself and I’m making more money. Oh, and I’ve ditched a really shit job that was sucking the very life and joy out of me.
I can highly recommend Lori and have done to anyone who’ll listen.
Btw, if you’re anything like I was (i.e. broke), you’ll find a way to pay for Lori’s service. I paid by monthly instalments (heart in my mouth most months) but I never missed a payment, that’s how important our sessions were to me!
Thank you Lori x”
— L, Personal Mentoring.
"I was 'that' person online that would judge and comment on all the nice stuff people were doing. I was a troll. Since a breakdown in my relationship that saw my partner have an affair and me giving birth alone and afraid I hated everyone and everything. The world was every other persons fault and I was permanently angry. Angry all the time. No respite from anger. I saw an acupuncturist who said I needed to find a way to manage my anger and fear and I joined the NHS waiting list for counselling. 10 months later and still no appointment so I booked to see Lori. I was still very angry and had lost friends and a potential boyfriend because of my online bitterness.
Counselling wasn't easy. After 8 sessions I told Lori she was rubbish and walked away. Lori wasn't and isn't rubbish but I was angry. I went online and vented but didn't feel any better. 3 weeks later I returned to counselling with Lori and let her have everything I couldn't carry myself any more. This was the start of me taking responsibility for my grief, resentment and hatred.
I still occasionally want to hassle people online. I still occasionally want to punch the face of the man who left me. I still want to complain about everything to everyone but not quite so much.
Counselling isn't easy but I've made my life better by taking part. I don't feel like I'm in a chokehold at the moment. I'm not quite so demanding"
— RM, Psychotherapy & Mentoring.
"My midwife friend put me in touch with Lori following my separation from my partner when my daughter was only 5 months old. This was the hardest time in my life. After 4 months of weekly therapy I moved onto working with Lori on the WellWoman Mentoring programme of care.
Lori made some allowances for me that I'll always be grateful for. We had our sessions outside as I'm quite claustrophobic and she seemed unfazed by me bringing my daughter in a sling. After a couple of sessions we made the transition to Lori wrapping my daughter to her for the hour so I could move and talk freely. I'll always remember Lori for holding a meaningful conversation on the side of a hill whilst my daughter cut a tooth on Lori's rucksack strap"
— Anon, Psychotherapy.

"This course is truly transformational. After years of a successful career and raising a family I felt completely lost, like a silly cliche. I had no direction and no idea of who I was anymore. This course has been a journey of deep personal reflection and exploration. The format of the course helped structure my thoughts and feelings, wants, needs and motivations in a way I have never been able to before. I have learnt literally oodles of new skills and have found a peace and calm in being myself that I could have only dreamt of.
Lori provides a deeply safe and nurturing space in which to explore often raw vulnerable places inside of oneself. She provides compassion and challenge without judgement and always with the greatest of care. Lori brings with her such a depth and breadth of knowledge and resources that it felt like a wonderful wardrobe where I could try on things for size and style and take away those things that made me feel at my very best.
I recommend this course to anyone who has stopped believing in themselves, is feeling lost or who dares to hope that there is a different way for them to be living. I recommend Lori to any one who has stopped feeling the effervescence and illumination of life, who feels blown around in the winds that life brings, to anyone in need of a place to be valued and loved.
I'm a tree hugger at heart and now it seems I have finally found my own roots in the forest of life. I feel like I have come home to myself"
— SW, Personal Mentoring.
“When I was first given the opportunity to work with Lori, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. I think I was nervous of that word 'therapy' and didn't really know if it was for me or something that I needed.
I strongly believe, now, that everyone needs a Lori! There is very little time in our lives where we're given the permission to simply talk about ourselves. What we're celebrating, what we're panicking about, what we dream that the future may hold. For me, the last 6 months has provided some space to think about what I really want for my future and has begun to nudge me into taking some steps towards that.
Lori creates that space with a calm, welcoming and caring approach, that said she's not afraid to give you that kick up the bum* that we probably all need sometimes!
I would highly recommend sitting down with a cup of tea with Lori to anyone, it's certainly not scary "therapy", it's a wonderful opportunity to start to take control of your own choices and learn to love your life!
*figuratively speaking!”
— L, Psychotherapy.
"My sister introduced me to Lori in January and we got on well. When my life started to fall apart in ways I hadn't planned for it was Lori (and my sister) I turned to for support. Counselling with Lori has been a positive experience. She is friendly, pragmatic and kind. The book recommendations have been really helpful and the golden questions that Lori introduced me to will always stick in my mind. If you are looking for a female centred therapist then I can recommend Lori. Thank you for reading"
— VA, Psychotherapy
"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and low confidence kept me from being able to work. I've been on the well woman course for four months working with Lori and a nutritionist. I'm in less pain and can now walk a bit longer each day. At Christmas I did all my own shopping and wrapping and didn't need help. I'm still shy but I'm happier now. Less shut off. More hopeful. Lori helped me find an art course near me and I'm looking forward to meeting a few new people"
— BB, Personal Mentoring.
"When my daughter died I thought my world was going to end. The pain is hideous beyond belief. I didn't think I could breath again let alone function. My life changed that day and will never fully recover. I saw Lori for just over a year on Skype. I don't really know what to say as this isn't something we can heal but Lori helped me breath again"
SM, Wiltshire. Nurturing Psychotherapy, 2016-2017.
— SM, Psychotherapy.
"When I decided to embark on this course, I knew I was unhappy. It took the volume of work delivered in such a structured way for me to be able to see just how entrenched my unhappiness was. I didn't know why, just a general feeling of unsatisfactoriness, an 'Is this it?' feeling.
Throughout the course I have been supported constantly, challenged often, empowered always and been able to find the confidence and courage to step out of the constraints of a life created out of necessity and into a life of choice and freedom.
Part way through the course, Lori was able to recognise that what I needed was less solution focussed and more of a psychological holding and this holding allowed me to explore darkness that I had been afraid to meet before.
I disappeared for a while, when I needed to, and Lori's trust that I would return when I was ready made me feel secure and able to go where I needed to and always know that she would be there when the time came. I am on the brink of a totally different life - new house, new job, new love, new life.
I might not have followed the course the way it was intended to be followed, but I can now say for certain that I Love My Life”
— Anon, Personal Mentoring

"So firstly, I loved the fact that I could chat to Lori in my pj's with a coffee in the comfort of my own home...unfortunately for Lori this was not always the most attractive sight to behold! I think Lori is uber clever at working out what you need, yet she isn't there to do all the work for you. Our journey involved taking a whole load of mess, defining the issues and then working out what we were going to do about them, with Lori holding my hand along the way but also giving me the nudges necessary to take ownership of my shit! (this was a common word used in our sessions, sorry to offend!)
When I first came across Lori, I was in a pretty shit (sorry there it is again) place. I couldn't see the wood for the trees and was barely coping with the demands in my life at that time. Hand on heart I can honestly say that every aspect of my life has now transformed.
My relationship is probably the best it has ever been. We have a mutual respect now that I don't think we've ever had. Communication between us has evolved and has enabled for so much growth as a couple. I love him on a level that has been out of reach for so long....
My happiness is through the roof, I've never been this content. Having lifted both feet off the ground 7 years ago with a career change that didn't quite go as intended, I've felt like I've been floating around since, not knowing who I am and where I want to be. With Lori's expert guidance I have finally grounded myself.
I am so proud of the journey I have gone through to get here. I've learnt how so much of my past was holding me back and that I did not, or could not appreciate the now. I'd lived for such a long time, putting others before myself, giving so much to people and feeling so despondent at what I got back. I realise now how much of my soul this was destroying! So much so I had completely lost my identity, I didn't know who I was anymore and what I did see, I didn't like.
But now I'm back, in fact that doesn't capture it....I'm not back because I am a whole new me. I've got rid of the dead weight holding me down, I've stopped being passive (my first revelation!) and emerged with a confidence and passion for being this new me, who when the going gets tough says "what do I need right now?" because ultimately, what I need, is now the first and foremost.
I would recommend this course for anyone out there who maybe feeling a little or a lot lost and needs a little love, laughter and doesn't mind the odd swear word!"
— T, Personal Mentoring
"I've just completed 6 months of WellWoman support with Lori and I'm about to sign up for more. We started off looking at my general health then moved onto emotional health then finished with Lori referring me to a consult with a pelvic physiotherapist and a hormone specialist to address some issues I had been experiencing since the birth of my daughter. This was good sturdy all-round package of care and worth every penny. Lori is kind, honest and warm in her approach. I like her curious side and how she pushed me to receive second opinions from different medical specialists. Lori is knowledgeable but she has supported me to view my health through a wider lense. I recommend her"
— Personal Mentoring client
"I have transformed a few old beliefs I was holding onto that were not true. My self esteem has improved. I spend more time on important things in my life. I have learnt what to put my energy into and what not to.
I have a better understanding of other people and what may be driving them. I feel I can do my job better with this understanding.
What I have learnt about myself is that I have not been following my dreams - I have been following other peoples and my main focus now is living the life I want to.. and making my goals about this and not anything else.
Be really honest with yourself and start living the life you want to. There are parts of all of us we are too scared to look at and therefore do things that don't always fulfil our lives the way we would expect. This course helps you look at the parts of your life that need to change and (gently) helps you to transform them.
The course supported me in making changes to the way I manage and lead my team within my business. It helped me to look at friendships and relationships and what is healthy and what is not and ways to improve on this.
I really learned about having the confidence to be myself. In different parts of my life, to have the courage to accept who I am and be genuine. I would recommend this course for anybody who is wanting to live their life differently or if they feel unfulfilled"
— Personal Mentoring client.
"I find counselling stressful and annoying. I am angry a lot of the time. But we work through it. Lori is an interesting counsellor and working with her can feel nippy and warming equally. Counselling isn't about finding a cure but about getting support to deal with each moment in the way we need to. I'm not always certain what I need but my girlfriend and Lori are giving me space to find that out"
— Psychotherapy client.
My colleague tagged me because my life was in total disarray. I had a number of poorly chosen relationships notched on my bedpost, a big chip on my shoulder from my ex and my job was draining the life out of me. I felt like a bag of no hope.
So 12 weeks later where am I.....?
I have a new job doing something I love which is totally different to what I was doing before. I found it but Lori helped me prepare mentally and over two Love Your Life sessions Lori supported me to change my normal thinking patterns (read: low self esteem and grumpy) to ones that were a bit more 'buoyant' shall we say. I went through 3 interviews for the job and Lori was with me every step of the way.
Lori has taught me some breathing techniques that help me sleep (I've had insomnia for just over 2 long tiring years), put me in touch with a personal trainer that understands my heart condition (and Love Your Life paid for the first trial session with him!) and also supported me to address the ongoing love life problems I was having. I can't say too much about them as it's really personal but I do want anyone who is reading this to know that I'm happier than I have been in years and a few magical things have happened in the bedroom area in terms of my confidence and general happiness.
I want you to know that Lori is an interesting woman. She is really honest but not too blunt and probably one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. The main thing I will say is that she appears to be one of those people who can see you and your situation clearly and gets to the bones of a situation within minutes. Love Your Life isn't always gentle but it's effective and real.
No hesitation recommending Lori or her work"
— GH, Psychotherapy & Mentoring client.
"I 'stalked' Lori on social media for a while before emailing her to arrange an introductory session. Originally I was drawn to her honest approach and her sense of humour online. This is evident in our mentoring sessions too but there is much more depth and I appreciate that.
Mentoring for me is like having a friend who helps you to think and process and set realistic goals. She's always got my back and we talk about everything and anything. Mentoring on the Love Your Life programme is life changing and intense but I would recommend it to anyone who is ready for lasting permanent change or to become better at self-enquiry or that needs a knowledgeable unbiased 'friend'"
— LA, Personal Mentoring

“I was drawn to Lori as therapist as she offered a range of approaches to her sessions. I’d previously tried CBT and person centred counselling, however wanted a more holistic combined approach. I found I was particularly drawn to her soul work, mindfulness and really wanted someone who would push me to think about things in a constructive way. Initial sessions were incredibly insightful, I was able to make sense of many behaviour traits and through various exercises was able to reframe these in a more helpful manner. Whilst I initially sought help from Lori for a specific difficulty in my life, as my circumstances changed my work with her also developed. I lead a busy life juggling family life, relationships, children and work, my time with Lori allows me to have time away from these pressures and reflect on what is important to me. When you see Lori you get a woman who is truly interested in people, she has a wealth of knowledge, a huge inspiring bookcase and is also a bit of a laugh. The perfect combination!”
Anon, Nov 2016, Nurturing Psychotherapy.
— AN, Psychotherapy client.
"Lori helped me with my brand strategy, my marketing proposal and a load of other creative stuff for my new jewellery business.
The biggest help Lori was able to assist with was the start up funding for my business. She helped me secure £10k in start up funds and thats something I couldn't do by myself at all. For this alone Lori and her creative business mentoring is worth every penny and my business is now looking like a money making vehicle.
I launch in January 2018 (just waiting for the final bit of funding) and I can't wait"
— Jess J, Professional Mentoring.
“I worked with Lori during the last 6 months of my wife’s terminal illness preparing for her passing. We touched upon many aspects of bereavement during our conversations and Lori gave me time and space to discuss and share my 34 year marriage. This helped me prepare for goodbye”
— DC, Psychotherapy client.
“Working with Lori has been brilliant. She's helped me understand more about myself, what I need and what I want. This awareness has given me the confidence to move towards goals in a more conscious way and make real progress in aspects of my life from my marriage though to work. Some of it's been hard and challenging but she's real, she's lovely and super supportive. I really couldn't have asked for more!”
— C, Personal & Professional Mentoring.
"I have transformed a few old beliefs I was holding onto that were not true. My self esteem has improved. I spend more time on important things in my life. I have learnt what to put my energy into and what not to.
I have a better understanding of other people and what may be driving them. I feel I can do my job better with this understanding.
What I have learnt about myself is that I have not been following my dreams - I have been following other peoples and my main focus now is living the life I want to.. and making my goals about this and not anything else.
Be really honest with yourself and start living the life you want to. There are parts of all of us we are too scared to look at and therefore do things that don't always fulfil our lives the way we would expect. This course helps you look at the parts of your life that need to change and (gently) helps you to transform them. The course supported me in making changes to the way I manage and lead my team within my business. It helped me to look at friendships and relationships and what is healthy and what is not and ways to improve on this. I really learned about having the confidence to be myself. In different parts of my life, to have the courage to accept who I am and be genuine. I would recommend this course for anybody who is wanting to live their life differently or if they feel unfulfilled "
— Personal Mentoring client
“I gave birth to my daughter at 30 weeks gestation. 10 weeks premature, baby immediately whipped away and placed in intensive care. My first couple of months as a mum consisted of moving wires and tubes around to change nappies in an incubator, alarms bleeping, doctors muttering, and plenty of fears and tears. Finding the courage to deal with that time meant pushing all the pain to one side so that I could be strong for my daughter. She came home and I found that despite my utter joy of having my girl home with me, despite having a supportive partner and wonderful caring network of friends and family, I couldn’t shake the hurt. It manifested into bouts of crying, anger and memory blanks of the birth and neo natal. One of my nct pals recommended Lori to me. I didn’t initially feel comfortable with ‘therapy’, but felt even less comfortable carrying this baggage into my life as a new mum. After my initial chat with Lori I knew I could trust her. There were no awkward silences, lori somehow makes you think it’s perfectly normal to sit in front of her and pour your heart out. I am not sure of the magic behind it all, but I can confirm that by the 3rd session I was off the tissues. Its almost like I had held my breath through the whole trauma and lori somehow gave me the space to breath and continue breathing, unwinding all the tension that had held me rigid through the Neo natal days. I now can talk about my experience without too much emotion and also allow myself to accept the hard memories in a healthier way. This is probably a bit long winded for a testimonial, but if anyone who has had an early or poorly baby reads this, then I would hope they could relate and know that picking up the phone and calling Lori may have a very positive effect on their life”
C, Leeds
— C, Psychotherapy client.

"I loved my sessions with Lori. She is a kind, passionate, intuitive and a grounded person.
She helped me through the most challenging part of my life. Facing my terminally ill estranged Father was tough to say the least but with encouragement and guidance from Lori I realised it was what I needed to do. It was awful at the time but I feel so much less burdened.
The time help me to focus on me properly for the first time in my life. I looked at what I really needed from life.
I have a new job and I am studying for a masters which will lead to a career change.
I feel more grounded and calmer and I care so much less about what other people think of me.
Life is great"
— Psychotherapy & Mentoring client.
"Lori has helped me to find me again. I have had episodes of anxiety and low mood on and off since being a teenager. This, as well as difficulties of my relationship with my mother, left me with lots of doubts about what I could achieve, which stopped me reaching my potential. Completing love your life has been transformational. It has enabled me to develop more positive relationships with my Mum, husband, friends and sons. I am starting to believe in myself, recognising I am of value and importance. This has led me to be more compassionate and kinder to myself. I have started to run, something that I would have never believed possible. I am also taking real steps in developing my creative side into a business, something that I have wanted to do for a long time but not had the confidence or self-belief to do before this course"
— J, Personal Mentoring Client
“My phobias around death and dying stemmed from my emergency admission to hospital following a car crash shortly after the death of a close relative. I just couldn’t stop thinking about death and my anxiety around dying prevented me from carrying out even day to day tasks such as food shopping and walking my dogs. I had 7 sessions with Lori and now feel more alive again. I’ve also been able to sleep for the first time since the accident. Thank you ”
Jenny F, Leeds